The Phothera SAD Solutions lights bring you value as well as optimum performance! Its modern styling and slim design will compliment your table, desk, or vanity.

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SAD Solutions

The Phothera SAD Solutions is an advanced light therapy device line designed to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other forms of light-related mood disturbances. By delivering safe, natural-spectrum light, the BrighterDays and TraveLite help regulate mood, improve energy levels, and restore a sense of well-being during the darker months or in low-light environments. Easy to use and highly effective, the BrighterDays and Travelite are the ideal solution for individuals seeking relief from the symptoms of SAD.

Lamp Options

Bright white, “full spectrum” light


BrighterDays PLUS

18.5″H x 13.4″W x 3.9″D

Weight: 6 lb


13″H x 7″W x 2.6″D

Weight: 2.5 lb


10,000 LUX at a treatment distance of 10-12 inches

Power Outlet

The BrighterDays PLUS and TraveLite plug into standard, 120 V 60 Hz, power outlets.

BrighterDays Plus

The BrighterDays SAD light brings you value as well as optimum performance! Its modern styling and slim design will compliment your table, desk, or vanity.


The TraveLite is the slimmest, full-power SAD light we offer! It fits easily into a tote or briefcase without losing any of its brightness.

Performance & Convenience

Clinical studies now show that a wavelength of 460nm is equally effective in treating depression spurred by S.A.D. as some commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals. These lights are perfect for home, office, or any location. Phothera is pleased to be able to offer some of the highest quality, most popular, and affordable S.A.D. light therapy devices on the market.