
Phothera (FO-theh-ruh)

Your health is our purpose, & your care is our promise

Our mission is to improve the physical & mental wellness of patients suffering from chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo, & eczema.


The Clear Choice

Phototherapy offers safe, effective treatment for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, & vitiligo—without the potentially serious side effects of biological drugs.

Trusted by patients & dermatologists, Phothera is a vital solution for clearer, healthier skin.

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A Safe & Effective Solution For All


Studies have demonstrated that phototherapy is a safe and effective treatment for autoimmune skin diseases and is considered a first-line treatment for many conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo and eczema. Narrowband UVB (NBUVB), with appropriate prescription dose length and frequency, is a safe and effective treatment as it does not include the harmful UV rays associated with the sun or tanning beds – creating a powerful treatment option while also minimizing long-term risks.

Narrowband UVB (NBUVB) is safe enough for pregnant women3 and children2 to use without the potentially serious side effects associated with biological drug therapies.

The Benefits of Phothera Phototherapy:

NBUVB is safe for pregnant women3, children2, the elderly1, and the immunocompromised4.

NBUVB has proven effectiveness with 82% of patients seeing nearly clear skin at just 5 weeks5.

Phototherapy easily integrates into one’s life with at-home or in-office treatment options. 

Phototherapy is often covered by insurance and has little to no out-of-pocket costs.

Only Phothera offers technological driven solutions that make administering treatments worry and hassle free.

Phototherapy Solutions for Patients:

Phothera offers a complete line of phototherapy devices designed to be used in the comfort, privacy, and convenience of your own home.

Choose to be in control of your skin—don’t let your skin control you!

Phototherapy Solutions for Providers:

The use of ultraviolet light in the treatment of photoresponsive skin diseases is safe, highly effective, and time-tested, making it an essential tool in modern dermatology offices.

In-Home Phototherapy Treatment

We make prescribing home phototherapy devices for your patients easy an convenient for you and your staff.

Clinical Phototherapy Treatment

Adding phototherapy to your practice allows you to treat those with chronic skin conditions in your office – expanding your practice. Phototherapy is recommended by national dermatology treatment guidelines  and is covered by most insurance providers.

Learn how our phototherapy solutions can help you.
Contact Phothera, today!

  1. Bulur, I., Erdogan, H. K., Aksu, A. E., Karapınar, T., & Saracoglu, Z. N. (2018). The efficacy and safety of phototherapy in geriatric patients: a retrospective study. Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 93(1), 33–38. 
  1. Pavlovsky M, Baum S, Shpiro D, Pavlovsky L, Pavlotsky F. Narrow band UVB: is it effective and safe for paediatric psoriasis and atopic dermatitis? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011 Jun;25(6):727-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2010.03832.x. Epub 2010 Aug 18. PMID: 20726938. 
  1. Bae YC. Van Voorhees AS, et al. “Review of treatment options for psoriasis in pregnant or lactating women: From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation.” J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Sep;67:459-77. 
  1. Rácz, E., & Prens, E. P. (2017). Phototherapy of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 287–294. 
  1. Fernández-Guarino M, Aboin González S, Gonzalez-Cantero A, Arsuaga C, Lázaro P (2020) Phototherapy with Narrow-Band Ultraviolet B in Adult Psoriasis: A Study in Clinical Practice. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res. 11:521. DOI: 10.35248/2155-9554.20.11.521 

a. Dosing. Taltz® (ixekizumab). (n.d.). Pharmaceutical product prices: Lilly pricing info. Pharmaceutical Product Prices | Lilly Pricing Info. (n.d.).

b. Wu JJ, Feldman SR, Rastogi S, Menges B, Lingohr-Smith M, Lin J. Comparison of the cost-effectiveness of biologic drugs used for moderate-to-severe psoriasis treatment in the United States. J Dermatolog Treat. 2018 Dec;29(8):769-774. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2018.1466022. Epub 2018 May 7. PMID: 29658383.

c. Siliq (brodalumab) injection: Plaque psoriasis treatment information. SILIQ. (n.d.). Siliq prices, coupons, Copay & Patient Assistance. (n.d.). cost for Siliq subcutaneous solution %28210 mg%2F1.5,card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies.

d. Stelara prices, coupons, Copay & Patient Assistance. (n.d.-b). Stelara® (USTEKINUMAB) dosing information STELARA® (ustekinumab). (2022, December 20).

e. Skyrizi dosing. SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa) Dosing for Ps and PsA. (n.d.). Cost & savings. SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa) Ps & PsA Cost, Savings. (n.d.).

f. Support and savings: Otezla® (APREMILAST) for plaque psoriasis. A Pill for PsO, PsA, and Oral Ulcers in BD. (n.d.). cost-and-copay#:~:text=The list price for a 30-day supply of,at which Amgen sells its products